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Really Great Reading specializes in helping educators teach the foundational skills that lead to strong decoding and fluent reading. We provide scientifically aligned professional development, diagnostics, grouping, interventions, and preventions.  Using the Science of Reading, we help schools build strong literacy foundations in primary grades and help remediate decoding issues in upper elementary, middle, and high school students.


Feel free to send us your resume! If your profile corresponds to our requirements, a member of our recruiting team will contact you.

New Hire Background Check Process

Offer is made to employee contingent upon a background check. Upon receipt of the signed offer letter, background screening is initiated.

Background screening will consist of the following:

  • Social Security Address/Alias Trace
  • Statewide Criminal Search – 7 years (all states developed by the Social Security Trace within the past 7 years)
  • Federal District Criminal Search- 7 years (all districts developed by the Social Security trace within the past 7 years)
  • County Criminal Court Search will be automatically processed in lieu of a Criminal Check if the Statewide is not available
  • Social Security Number Verification – is performed through E-Verify

Upon receipt of a clear background screening, the offer is confirmed with the candidate and the new hire onboarding process begins. Upon receipt of a background screening that is not clear, communication is made to the employee candidate as required by law.

Background screening is also performed on all individual independent contractors (those not associated with a vendor/company).