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Reading Playgrounds & Vocabulary Playgrounds on Your Teacher Dashboard!

Reading Playgrounds & Vocabulary Playgrounds on Your Teacher Dashboard!

Student Practice is imperative! At Really Great Reading, we pride ourselves on offering many excellent opportunities for students to practice and solidify learning during the lessons. The Reading Playgrounds adds another layer that provides students with an independent practice portal and allows teachers to monitor and pull reports on individual student performance.

Reading playgrounds laptop
Reading Playgrounds now includes Spanish Support!

Our Spanish support feature allows teachers to toggle on Spanish support for individuals or student groups who require additional language support when reinforcing and practicing skills. Enabling this feature gives the option, per game, for the student to choose to hear the instructions of the game in English or Spanish.

Includes instructional support in Spanish when assessing and practicing English content. Available in Countdown, Blast, and HD Word

Reading Playgrounds

Do you want to improve outcomes? The Reading Playgrounds help students independently practice the foundational literacy skills they are learning in Countdown, Blast, and HD Word. 

The Reading Playgrounds include:

  • A play-based digital platform that merges learning, assessment, and practice.
  • Research-aligned activities designed to accelerate the acquisition of skills and knowledge necessary to transform unfamiliar words into familiar and instantly recognizable words.
  • An adaptive platform that honors the diversity of students’ abilities to master their phonics skills at different rates and with different amounts of practice.
  • Responsive capabilities, so it can be used across multiple devices and platforms.
  • An easy-to-read teacher dashboard, so you can monitor individual student performance.
Reading Playgrounds Includes Vocabulary Playgrounds!

How will Vocabulary Playground Complement Reading Playgrounds?

The words taught in the Vocabulary Playground are words that have been pulled directly from Countdown, Blast, and HD Word lessons and/or practice activities. Students will be learning how to decode these words in the upcoming units of Countdown, Blast, and HD Word.

What is Vocabulary Playground?

It's the latest addition to our popular Reading Playgrounds. Students experience words in a way that helps them understand all aspects of the word: the phonology, the orthography, the morphology, and the meaning. This explicit exposure drives orthographic mapping and rich word-level literacy.

Laptop of vocabulary playground.