Phonics Suite's Phonics Blitz
Phonics Blitz is a set of 50 intervention lessons for students in grades 4–12. The lessons help students who are unable to effectively read complex text. Blitz is designed specifically for students who read less accurately than expected because they lack key foundational skills. The primary focus of the lessons is phonemic awareness, phonics concepts, and essential word-attack skills and the net effect of these lessons is faster and more accurate reading of complex text.
This fast-paced, age-appropriate instruction re-teaches key skills essential for close reading and good comprehension. The approach is mature, engaging and motivational for older students. Not all students qualify for these lessons; the instruction is specifically for students who struggle with reading multisyllable words and words with advanced vowel patterns. This is phonics recast for older students. By the 9th hour of instruction, students are reading academic words like drench, pledge, and prompt and by the 13th hour of instruction students are reading words like astonishment, sentimental, and kinetic. Phonics Blitz lessons are often completed in just 4–12 weeks.