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Really Great Vocabulary – InferCabulary - SCHOOL YEAR SUBSCRIPTION (July 1 - June 30) - Minimum 20 Seat

Price: $10.00


Minimum 20 seats - per seat pricing 

School Year Term: 07.01 to 06.30

InferCabulary is a revolutionary digital visual vocabulary interface that teaches Tier 2 vocabulary using a unique, highly efficient approach that mimics the act of wide reading as students encounter word meanings in a rich, oral language setting. 

Have you ever wondered what’s holding your kids back?

Did you know, that reading comprehension is dependent on knowing the meaning of 98% of the words in the text?  Low vocabulary plays a huge role in poor reading comprehension in grades 2-12.  Avid readers “stumble upon” words in books over and over again until deeply understanding the many contexts of those words; however, this process can take years. For those students who aren’t avid readers, this process is not happening at all, locking students into a cycle of reading failure. InferCabulary solves this problem by mimicking the act of avid reading! In InferCabulary, students encounter words in a rich, multi-media environment. They see examples of a word being used in a variety of contexts helping to solidify and refine their understanding of Tier 2 words. 

InferCabulary helps students in Grades 3 - 12 acquire the nuanced meanings of Tier 2 vocabulary broadly and deeply. In Infercabulary, teachers select from a vast library of words and assign vocabulary based on the learners' goals. They can select words from articles, curricula, popular literary titles, and current classroom activities. Learners are in the driver's seat as they interact with words, creating a solid foundation for overall comprehension, fluency, and even written language.



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