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Complimentary Reading Assessments (K-12)

Complimentary Reading Assessments (K-12)

In just 5-7 minutes, Really Great Reading's complimentary diagnostic decoding assessments answer these key questions: Which students are struggling with decoding? What types of words are they struggling with? What is the source of the underlying confusion? They contain everything you’ll need for the initial assessment of an unlimited number of students with an explanation of how the data can be added to the Grouping Matrix to group, progress monitor, and plan the type of instruction that will yield the greatest results.

Not sure which assessments to use? Use our Recommended Assessment Timeline and Flowcharts to help guide you through the process.

Grouping Students
Complimentary Grouping Matrix

How can you use data to group students according to their decoding strengths and weaknesses?

Use our complimentary, web-based, password-protected, secure student data management interface, the Grouping Matrix. It enables you to group students (K-12) according to the type and depth of their decoding difficulties using data from grade-level Oral Reading Fluency passages (such as DIBELS, AIMSWeb, Six Minute Solutions, Read Naturally, EasyCBM) and our complimentary diagnostic assessments. If you have questions about the Grouping Matrix please email us.

Grouping Matrix Quick Facts:

  • Uses data to group students according to their decoding strengths and weaknesses
  • Identifies and groups students for decoding instruction
  • Provides easy-to-read progress monitoring reports and graphs
  • Enables progress monitoring for both individuals and groups
Phonological Awareness Survey

The Phonological/Phonemic Awareness Survey is a complimentary assessment that is commonly used in Kindergarten and 1st grade, but it is also useful for assessing older students who perform well below expectations on basic decoding assessments. It is a one-on-one assessment of phonological awareness skills, including blending word parts, and phonemic awareness skills, including matching, identifying, blending, and segmenting phonemes in words. The data collected from this assessment can help determine the type of basic literacy instruction that will equip students with the knowledge they need for basic decoding.

Letter Knowledge Survey

The Letter Knowledge Survey is a complimentary assessment that is commonly used in Kindergarten and 1st grade, but it is also useful for assessing older students who perform well below expectations on basic decoding assessments. It is a one-on-one assessment of letter knowledge, including letter sounds and letter names (both lowercase and uppercase). The data collected from this assessment can help determine the type of basic literacy instruction that will equip students with the knowledge they need for basic decoding.

Sight Word Survey

The Sight Word Survey has five separate assessments for Pre-Primer, Primer, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Grade. These assessments are used to determine how well a student reads high-frequency words. Sight words are words that occur so frequently in printed text that it is most efficient for children to learn to read them automatically, by “sight,” rather than by decoding or sounding them out. The words on these assessments were selected from the Dolch 220 list of high-frequency words, and the words have been leveled.(e.g., Pre-Primer, Primer, etc.) using the same Dolch list.

Advanced Decoding Survey Plus

The Advanced Decoding Survey Plus is a quick way to determine if older students have mastered the decoding skills they should have learned in grade K, 1, 2, and 3. Those using it as a screener can use it anytime after the middle of 3rd grade.If using it as a screener, you can administer it to your entire student population or to a select group of students whom you suspect may have a decoding deficit. Designed with upper elementary and adolescents in mind, Really Great Reading has three sets of lessons: HD Word, Boost, and Blitz. Additionally, for those who need additional practice and repetitions, we have HD Word Plus and Phonics Boost Plus that extend the learning for students participating in HD Word, Boost, and Blitz instruction.