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Erasing the Misery of Reading and Spelling Multi-Syllabic Words

Erasing the Misery of Reading and Spelling Multi-Syllabic Words

Do you have students who skip, guess at, or just give up when they encounter long, complex words in printed texts? Does their comprehension suffer when they are unable to read those words? There are some very functional, simple techniques you can teach students to use for reading and spelling multisyllabic words, allowing them to better comprehend what they read.

In this four-part webinar we demonstrate explicit, scaffolded teaching of multi-syllabic word decoding with various multisensory techniques, including a manipulative that is easy to access or create for use with students of all ages and grades. This “Lose the Rules” approach teaches students to ask simple questions to break words down into individual syllables, helping them become fluent and efficient decoders of all syllable types. This approach is effective across all grade levels. We also teach participants a similar set of strategies for spelling multisyllabic words syllable by syllable. Additionally, participants will learn a scope and sequence in which to teach powerful, multisyllabic word decoding and spelling, and they will receive a list of words that are effective for teaching the scope and sequence in various content areas.

Sample flash cards or the work smash.
Part 1

Part One covers some basic ideas about foundational literacy skills, decoding, orthographic mapping, and single syllable conventions. It shows how phonemic awareness and knowledge of the syllable types is critical prerequisite knowledge for reading big words.

Fantastic is spread out on three different flashcards in an illustration.
Part 2

Part Two features the power of our efficient Lose the Rules approach by looking at how to decode bigger words with closed syllables. It also extends the power of our efficient Lose the Rules approach by adding strategies for including the schwa and open syllables.

Sample flash cards or the work volcano.
Part 3

Part Three shows how to leverage closed & open syllables, and strategies for identifying the schwa, to breach into more syllable types, like r-controlled and vowel-consonant-e.

Sample flash cards or the work nocturnal.
Part 4

Part Four summarizes the power of our Lose the Rules approach and adds more syllable types including vowel teams and odd syllables. It also covers some free resources available for distance teaching of these key strategies.