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Top 10 Pitfalls Found in Phonics Instruction and Keys to Avoid Them

Top 10 Pitfalls Found in Phonics Instruction and Keys to Avoid Them

Phonics instruction is crucial for early reading and writing as it helps students efficiently decode words, boosting word recognition and reading fluency. This fluency significantly improves text comprehension, the ultimate goal of phonics.

Effective and efficient phonics strategies are essential, and it is vital for educators and curriculum developers to critically evaluate and enhance these methods to maximize student learning.

Illustration of a man trying to avoid pitfalls
Lack of an Adequate Review and Repetition CycleSystematic Instruction which involves review and repetition of new skills as they are introduced

A new skill should be continually reviewed for at least 4–6 weeks after introduction. The goal of phonics instruction should be more than just exposure. It should be the full mastery of the skill.

Shortage of actual reading and writing experiences in day-to-day practiceSpend the majority of instructional time practicing newly taught skills within real reading and writing experiences

Skill and drill work that is not accompanied by authentic exercises that apply phonics skills to real-life situations will not work. Focusing over half of phonics lessons' instructional time on exercises that apply new skills to genuine reading and writing experiences will help solidify the foundations needed for students to progress and learn new skills.

Download our Top 10 Pitfalls Found in Phonics Instruction and Keys to Avoid Them Infographic

The lack of appropriate decoding texts and reading materials that align with the skill of the studentImplementing the right kinds of accountable texts and decodables to daily instructional practice

What we teach and what young learners read strongly impact their word reading, phonics, and spelling skills. The type and difficulty of texts should match student needs, rather than sticking to a fixed decodability percentage, which can cause problems.

Our Decodable Books provide the right amount of practice to ensure a student's successful progression from phonics lessons to the reading of appropriate accountable texts.


Not using the Gradual Release Model effectivelyProvide constructive feedback and support in a timely manner while at the same time ensuring that the students do the work

Teachers should not over model and have students simply copy or parrot what they are doing. Instructional strategies must include students effectively implementing taught skills in real experiences.

The I do, we do, you do model ensures that students have guided practice. View our sample lessons to see how to integrate this into your instructional time.

RGR Foundational Skills

For over two decades, we’ve collaborated with school districts to create a lasting impact with the Science of Reading. We work with ambitious districts to eradicate illiteracy and create systemic change.

Loss of instructional time during transition between lessonsUse moments of transition as times to integrate instructional skill reviews

Phonics lessons use many materials. Transitions, like handing out or collecting materials, are important teaching moments. Use these times for review activities, such as singing the ABC song or practicing phonemic awareness tasks, to keep students focused. Planning these transitions well ensures every minute of the lesson is instructional and effective.

Check out our Sound Wall, which will help with these teaching moments.


Lack of teacher knowledge in structured literacy and science of reading strategies and linguisticsTrain educators in structured literacy and Science of Reading methodologies

Equipping teachers with the tools and understanding needed to effectively implement Science of Reading strategies in the classroom is essential to student success and better literacy outcomes.


Poor pacing of lessonsAppropriate scope and sequence

Some teachers may prioritize activities they find enjoyable or easy for students, neglecting more challenging or meaningful tasks that enhance learning. Lessons should be dynamic and demanding, concentrating on activities that effectively boost student learning, like blending practice, dictation, word awareness tasks, and engaging with accountable texts through reading and writing.


Lack of assessment tools that effectively measure mastery of phonics skillsLack of assessment tools that effectively measure mastery of phonics skills

To ensure mastery, phonics skills assessments should span an extended period, as weekly assessments concentrating on a single skill can yield misleading results, indicating progress but not mastery.

Without ongoing practice, learning may decline. Cumulative assessments are vital tools for teachers to accurately gauge mastered skills in phonics instruction.


Not transitioning to multisyllabic words early enoughNot transitioning to multisyllabic words early enough

Grade 2 curricula often concentrate on simple, one-syllable words, but the stories read at this level usually include longer, multisyllabic words. It's important to start focusing more on these longer words in grade 2, such as moving from simpler words like 'can' to 'candle' and learning about the six main types of syllables.

This effort could start at the end of grade 1 to better match phonics teaching with what students are expected to read. Learn our Lose the Rules approach in our on-demand webinar.


Too much emphasis on isolated skill and drill workFocus on key components of early literacy instruction essential to the building blocks needed for long-term success

Some curricula focus too much on phonics, particularly through repetitive drills, while neglecting other crucial elements of early reading like vocabulary and background knowledge, which are essential for long-term progress in reading.

Adjusting reading sessions to achieve a better balance is crucial since all these skills contribute to comprehension as students tackle more complex texts. Launchpad is playful and powerful evidence-based phonics and pre-reading skills instruction that prepares students for kindergarten.