5 Key Priorities for Achieving and Sustaining High Literacy Outcomes
Skilled teachers are the cornerstone of effective literacy instruction. By equipping teachers with evidence-based strategies and literacy knowledge rooted in the science, we ensure that they are prepared to foster significant improvements in their students’ reading abilities.
Download the Top 5 Key Priorities for Achieving and Sustaining High Literacy Outcomes
As they learn, many educators benefit from ongoing, incremental support and coaching. While becoming a Science of Reading school “works”, most schools need expert guidance, ongoing support, high-quality instructional materials (HQIM), and a system. Science of Reading isn’t a program; it’s an approach.
Every team member at Really Great Reading is dedicated to our mission: ensuring the best student outcomes. We understand that by supporting administrators and teachers, they gain the time and knowledge to support their students effectively.
When you engage with us, you’ll have a dedicated implementation team to help you along your journey to becoming a Science of Reading district, school, or educator.
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Teacher shortages continue to pose serious challenges for schools. Underprepared teachers leave at higher rates and exacerbate the teacher shortage within our districts and schools. To address this, districts are partnering with local colleges and universities.
These collaborative teacher residency programs provide high-quality preparation and support. The most effective programs focus on high-need areas, such as structured literacy, ensuring better retention and effectiveness.
High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) should advance from simpler to more complex concepts. Early literacy instruction must include phonological and phonemic awareness, alphabet knowledge, and phonics (decoding and encoding) as foundational skills essential for literacy success. These elements stem from a solid understanding of the alphabetic principle.
As students progress, reading and spelling instruction should incorporate multisyllabic words, paired with explicit vocabulary, morphology, and fluency instruction. This structured approach ensures students develop a comprehensive skill set, facilitating their journey to becoming proficient word level experts.
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Research also supports explicit and systematic instruction as the most effective for struggling readers. Intervention lessons allow teachers to provide clear and organized instruction according to a logical and effective scope and sequence.
Students begin by learning short vowel sounds and closed syllable spelling patterns and gradually master more challenging long, variant, and r-controlled vowel sounds and the multiple spellings of those sounds.
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Really Great Reading’s programs for beginning and emerging readers are evidence-based, teaching students the key skills they need to become efficient and accurate decoders, which ultimately leads to their success not only in word identification but also in comprehending what they read.
A parent’s involvement is invaluable in enhancing your child’s educational experience. A basic understanding of key terms and concepts can significantly benefit both your child’s education and your ability to actively engage parents and guardians in the educational process.
Really Great Reading provides many resources to assist parents in making sure their child has positive literacy outcomes.