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What Makes RGR's EL Resource Hub Unique?

What Makes RGR's EL Resource Hub Unique?

Comprehensible Input Phonics Instruction

The EL Resource Hub is the only supplemental resource that uses students’ native languages to explain English phonics skills. By providing instructional videos and materials in the student’s native language they can grasp new concepts more effectively. Ultimately, accelerating literacy skills by helping ELs connect their existing language knowledge to learning English.

Tailored Support for Teachers

The EL Resource Hub equips English-speaking educators with tailored and comprehensive solutions. With easy-to-use materials that simplify lesson planning and instruction that result is an increase in teacher confidence and classroom effectiveness.

Specific Scope and Sequence for English Learners

The EL Resource Hub provides a structured sequence of phonics skills tailored specifically for ELs. This systematic and effective instruction addresses the unique needs of English Learners and improves their literacy outcomes.

Culturally Inclusive Family Engagement

The EL Resource Hub goes beyond classroom instruction by offering authentic, contextually translated materials that empower families to support their children’s learning outside of school. Bringing families into the learning process fosters a strong home-to-school connection.

Eight Languages Currently Served

The EL Resource Hub offers resources in Arabic, Haitian Creole, Korean, Mandarin, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.

EL Resource Hub

RGR’s EL Resource Hub is phonics instruction specifically designed to accelerate English Learners' literacy skills in their native language. We support students at every level with authentically translated resources and targeted training.