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Really Great Reading on NYC's ShopDOE, FAMIS, and Core Curriculum

Every aspect of what we do is grounded in the Science of Reading, including our diagnostics tools, professional development, reading instruction, vocabulary instruction, ELL support, handwriting, decodable ebooks, and more. Our outcomes are excellent, and we transform emergent, developing, and struggling readers into lifelong learners. 

We know it is difficult to determine which reading program will offer your students the best outcomes. We understand the pressure you are under to make the right instructional decisions for your students. For 18 years, we've been providing reading instruction grounded in the science of reading to the New York City Department of Education. 

NYC DOE Core Literacy and ELA Professional Learning

Click the Register Now link, then use the dropdown to select Really Great Reading to see a full training schedule through NYC DOE Core Literacy and ELA Professional Learning 


How to Order Through ShopDOE/FAMIS, Core Curriculum, or Non-Contracted Orders


Really Great Reading is on FAMIS, ShopDOE and Core Curriculum

Login to NYC ShopDOE

Really Great Reading is on ShopDOE!

To place an order log in to ShopDOE.com and search Really Great Reading. 

We suggest our Classroom Setups

FAMIS Numbers

What Materials to Select From ShopDOE


Core Curriculum

NYC Core Curriculum

Read the New York Times Article on Really Great Reading & Core Curriculum!

To place orders for K-2 with Core Curriculum Email curriculum@schools.nyc.gov

or call -  (718) 935-3334 

Core Curriculum Ordering Window

September 5th - 15th 

September 22nd - 29th

Non- Contracted School Orders

When you place a non-contracted order for items not in ShopDOE or Core Curriculum you will need the following documents:

NYC Sole Source Letter

Click here for our W9

To learn more please contact:

John Cataldo 

NYC Implementation Specialist

866-401-7323 ext. 732


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