Planned Maintenance Alert: Our new site launches January 29! From January 25–28, online orders and new account creation will be unavailable. Live subscriptions will remain accessible. We’re excited to share the new experience with you soon! Have questions? Email us at or call 866-401-7323.
Term: School Year July 2025- June 2026
1 Teacher Guides Set - Book 1, 2, 3 (HDLP $339)
This three-book set provides teachers the information they need to effectively present the HD Word lessons. All the lessons are built for the teacher and thoroughly explain the concepts, routines, and procedures. The lessons are easy to follow and slightly scripted so that they can be taught by a wide range of educators, not just seasoned literacy professionals and phonics specialists. For those unfamiliar with teaching phonemic awareness and phonics, the lesson plans include a “What You Need To Know” section for teachers to review before teaching. Visuals and detailed information in special Teacher Notes in the manual provide incremental professional development.
1 HD Word Online - 1-year subscription (HDOL $99)
This online component brings the lessons to life. Teachers have everything they need at their fingertips to help make phonics concepts obvious to students. Explicit animations help teachers deliver concise, precise, and fluent instruction with no prep time. Virtual manipulatives engage the students in deeper learning. When the instruction incorporates this visual component paired with the student manipulative kits, students learn and retain concepts faster and more effectively.
10 HD Word Student Letter Tile Kits (HDKIT $70)
The HD Word Student Letter Tile Kit provides the vehicle for effective multisensory phonics instruction. Students learn concepts faster and retain them better when they use these manipulative kits. The kits include the letter tiles, color tiles, SyllaBoards™, and other components needed to complete all 33 units.
Note: If students participated in Blast Foundations G1A, the HD Word Kit upgrade (HDUP $18) will supplement the Blast Student Kit with additional tiles so it can be used to complete all lessons in HD Word.
20 Guided Practice Student Workbooks - Foundations Level (HDFSW $21 each)
This set of two books contains all the printed material a student needs to participate in the lessons. The workbooks contain oral reading fluency passages and phonics practice activities that help students develop mastery and automaticity with key skills. The Foundations activities are engaging and age-appropriate for students in grades 2-5 who have already mastered their basic decoding skill offered in Blast Foundations
20 one-year Reading Playground licenses (DPG_HDW1YR $21/student seat)
A student practice portal for Countdown, Blast, & HD Word, where foundational literacy skills can be independently practiced
1 Virtual Implementation Training Course seat - One-year access (VITC_HD $79/teacher seat)
Virtual Professional Development - Self-paced, virtual interactive courses now available for HD Word
1 HD Word Poster Set (HDPOST $25)
A set of posters for use with HD Word lessons.
If your students are in elementary school or high school, there are three other levels to choose from:
Blast Foundations (Grades K-1)
HD Word Foundations (Grades 2-5)
HD Word Essentials (Grades 5-8)
HD Word Linguistics (Grades 8-12)
Really Great Reading believes that every student has the right to appropriate, high-quality, foundational-skills reading instruction. We are focused on preventing and remediating decoding weaknesses in students in all grades (and even adults). We provide educators with the tools and knowledge to teach all students (not just those who learn easily) to read. We make assessment and grouping practical, efficient, and accurate. Our approach to reading instruction is research-based, interactive, explicit, structured, and multisensory. In our lessons, students not only learn to read, but enjoy the intelligent and age appropriate learning process.
Really Great Reading Company
PO Box 46
Cabin John, MD 20818
Monday thru Friday
P: 866.401.READ (7323)
F: 240.465.0478 (Please call to confirm that we received your fax)